Cooling aids from The Super Fast Cooling Shop

Chill-Its 6602 Cooling Towel

Chill-Its 6602 Cooling Towel

The Chill-Its 6602 Evaporative Cooling Towel - Essential when working in hot temperatures

If you work in construction, freight and baggage, drilling or mining, iron or steel work, or even agriculture, solar, or landscaping, then wearing the Chill-Its 6602 Evaporative Cooling Towel, while working in extreme temperatures, is essential.

The Chill-Its cooling towel is made of advanced PVA cooling technology and, is super-evaporative, thereby making you feel significantly cooler than the ambient air.

The Chill-Its towel activates fast and easy. All you have to do is run under cold water for one minute. Wear it for hours or for quick relief from the heat and simply re-wet to reactivate.

Dampen the chill-its cooling towel and drop it over the back of your neck. It will create a cooling which is significantly colder than the surrounding air. The Chill-Its cooling towl comes in a re-usable plastic storage container. Keep the container as it helps you store your cooling towel and, since it is treated with an anti-microbial treatment the container helps prevent any stink or bacteria build-up..

Use the Engodyne Chill-Its towel as a wipe-off towel as well